Death of a Bridezilla: Bye Bye Liz Claiborne


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Lest you think of the recently-passed Liz Claiborne as merely the purveyor of your mom’s pastel Costco jeans, read on to learn about the life of this ultimate Bridezilla and trailblazing designer of affordable women’s business wear. Liz Claiborne’s death due to cancer complications marks a great blow for the Bridezillas of the business world and beyond! Highlights of Liz’s Bridezilla Brilliance:

Bridezilla Behavior #1
: Co-founded Liz Claiborne company with former textile executive husband Arthur Ortenberg, to whom she gave the corporate title of “secretary.”
Bridezilla Behavior # 2: Famous for beginning all her business meetings by ringing a delicate glass bell.

Bridezilla Behavior # 3:
Claiborne’s big break? The fearless designer was driving with her family through Manhattan when Ms. Claiborne declared, “I’m staying.” Her father let her out of the car, handed her $50 and said, “Good luck.”
And the rest as they say, is Fortune 500 making, 1.4 billion raking, fashion history. Thanks Liz, for sparing the navy stewardess suits and spoiling the business-savvy Bridezillas of the world with budget-friendly work wear for real woman’s bodies. You will be greatly missed!
To read more about this fascinating fashion mogul, here is a link to the complete New York Times article we excerpted above.

2 thoughts on “Death of a Bridezilla: Bye Bye Liz Claiborne”

  1. Hey out there all you bride-Zillas!
    Keep on breathing fire, ladies! We love you all, and really hope that you get all you deserve on the most important day of your lives!
    Go right ahead: charge LOTS of things to your fiance’s credit card! (what ELSE could he spend his money on that’s more important than your big day?)
    We love you all!
    Big kisses to you!


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