Science Guy Insults Bride, Bride Serves Up Floral Justice


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Bill%20Nye.jpg In a nouveau War of the Roses, spurned Bridezilla Blair Tindall registered her displeasure with her sad sack Science Guy “husband” Bill Nye with a jug full of weed killer aimed at his American Beauties. Unjustifiably aggressive? We think not! After learning their marriage license was invalid seven weeks after the ceremony, Nye kicked Tindall out of their jointly-purchased home as if a lifetime commitment can be denied with a simple “just kidding” and nary a wave goodbye. Weeks later, she witnessed Nye picking the very roses she’d tended to in their backyard and offering one to a lady on the television program Living With Ed, stating as he did that life would be perfect if only he had a woman with whom he might share a home. Excuse us? We admire her restraint; it’s not his roses we would have gone after.

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