Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#3


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Bridezilla Must-Have #3 Essential Bride Literature. Forget all the “Best Bridal Bargains” and “Dirt Poor Wedding Planning” propaganda. Those are for less blessed and beautiful brides and have nothing to do with you! Bridezillas only need one book to make sure their bridal bidding is completed: Grace Kelly: Icon of Style to Royal Bride. This fabulous book explains how Kelly’s amazing style rocketed her to box office fame, and eventually caught her the eye of a bonafide prince! When your Groomie-to-be is giving you grief about the loads of money you’ve spent on the wedding, just cite this hard-nosed literary source as an example of how you could be doing so much worse – and anyway, doesn’t he think you deserve to be treated like the princess you truly are? Plus there are tons of great tips on how to have a bona fide bridezilla princess wedding. Brilliant bubble bath reading!
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