5 Most Quirky-Adorable Movie Love Scenes


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Boy meets girl. Boy and girl have falling out. Boy chases girl on motorcycle for rainy make-out session make-up. Sure, sweet-but-predictable rom coms can scratch a certain itch, but sometime you’re in the mood for something a little less prototypical. Here, Bridezilla brings you the five most moving, magical, and off-the-cuff love scenes from our favorite quirky heroes. Not a red rose to be seen, so read on!

5 La Vita E Bella.

It takes a moment to get to the red-carpet-in-the-rain scene, but gawd, is it worth it! Plus, this clip helps set up the brutishness of Dora’s current love against Guido’s magical amour. Awww…..

4 Stranger Than Fiction.

This scene feels almost shockingly sweet against its wry, offbeat plot. But one thing’s for sure: you will never, ever look at baked goods, or IRS agents, the same. Bonus points to old Harold for standing firm in the face of Miss Pascal’s withering scorn.

3Big Fish.

The magical surrealism surrounding this moment makes it the single best depiction of “Love at First Sight” ever. We want to go bury ourselves in daffodils right now.

2 Love Actually.

SWOOON. When the smolderingly hot Peter shows up on the gorgeous Juliet’s doorstep on Christmas Eve, it has got to be the most endearing post-modern proclamation of love evah! Shakespeare be durrned.

1 Say Anything.

No quirky-adorable love scene round-up would be complete without everyone’s favorite black sheep, Lloyd Dobbler, with his boom box and his trench coat. Timeless! Plus, this is still possibly the best love song in the world.

1 thought on “5 Most Quirky-Adorable Movie Love Scenes”

  1. Love this! Thanks for posting these. It made my day. I actually haven’t seen Stranger than Fiction, but I’m going to bump it up on my netflix list now.


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