Bookzilla Review: Shopaholic Ties the Knot


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It has been said that Shopaholics are merely a singleton strain of Bridezilla, and we were inclined to agree-until this book. Brilliantly marrying Becky Bloomwood’s love of shopping with the excitement of her engagement, our heroine shows that one can seamlessly transition into a full-blown Bridezilla without compromising her Shopaholic status. Bravo!

Furthermore, this book combines Miss B’s three favorite things: shopping, weddings, and multiple weddings per day per person. Yes, the irrepressible Becky Bloomwood is living the Bridezilla dream with two weddings booked for the same day, in two different countries. But as internationally glamorous as this sounds for a Paris Hilton birthday bash, apparently the same “more the merrier” mentality doesn’t apply to legal unions such as marriages. What’s a non-bigamy-inclined Bridezilla to do?

Naturally, our intrepid Bloomwood finds a brilliant solution to this seemingly impossible situation, using Bridezilla’s primary artillery-friends with exotic vocations, a highly accommodating groomzilla, and a gift for persuasive prose.

Not only does this book contain one of Bridezilla’s favorite marriage proposals of all time, the exchanges between Becky and her bank manager provide many clever tips for Bridezilla’s in similar negotiations with stodgy wedding vendors. This book is Wedding Lit Lite at its most blissful! Buy one for you and the bestie!

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