Breaking News: Bridezilla Faces the Big House


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Breaking news: Bridezilla Karee from WeTV’s hit show is facing the Big House.
Karee is the first bridezilla who faces jail time for her bad behavior. A Fox news station says Gibson, who’s on parole, violated probation that forbade her from “behaving in a threatening manner.”

Video of Bridezilla Karee

Gibson says she was simply “acting” for the cameras. She thought it would lead to a great theater career. More like a great career as a convict. We’re not buying it.
Bridezillas can be sometimes be erratic and over-the-top. But for most of us, getting sent to jail for violent behavior isn’t on our bridal wishlist. There’s that whole unflattering mug shot and neon-orange jumpsuit. And a wedding behind bars doesn’t come close to our idea of the perfect soiree.
Fellow bridezillas, do you think Karee should get jail time? Vote on our poll and comment with your thoughts below!

Should Bridezilla Karee Be Sent to the Big House?(opinion)

31 thoughts on “Breaking News: Bridezilla Faces the Big House”

  1. Karee was not only over the top she was just mean ans nasty. She committed a crime when she burned her sister in laws shoes and she incited violence with the mother in law. Send her to jail.

  2. My first reaction was that she wasn’t acting and she is really like that in real life, but after I saw the interview they did with her I actually felt sorry for her. She made a bad mistake and she was remorseful. Hopefully next time she will think about acting like such a witch(b). Why would you even want to act like that period. Why would you want people to see you on your first acting episode to see you act like a mean hateful witch. And being on probation for a fight back in your high school days doesn’t help you much. I’m surprised that you are still on probation for a fight from four years ago. There has to be more to your story or maybe you weren’t acting at all.

    • I don’t feel sorry for this karee due to her past action and she has not changed. I think Karee was acting when she was trying to be remoreful. If you are on probation for a committing a voilate act, why would you go on a show like bridezillas.

  3. My first reaction was that she wasn’t acting and she is really like that in real life, but after I saw the interview they did with her I actually felt sorry for her. She made a bad mistake and she was remorseful. Hopefully next time she will think about acting like such a witch(b). Why would you even want to act like that period. Why would you want people to see you on your first acting episode to see you act like a mean hateful witch. And being on probation for a fight back in your high school days doesn’t help you much. I’m surprised that you are still on probation for a fight from four years ago. There has to be more to your story or maybe you weren’t acting at all.

  4. What’s the name of the show? Bridezillas. What is a Zilla, ie Godzilla? And Godzilla is a monster. She did exactly what a monster is supposed to do. Idiots!! She does not need to go to jail. Be for reals.

  5. OMG!!! I wanted to jump through the TV and ask her what in the hell is WRONG with you? seriously? what’s worse is that the husband took that crap…there is NO WAY anyone can treat my mother like that it does not matter who you are.
    The entire show upset me.

  6. Her interview says she was acting and she did a real good job! Sorry, that was no act you can totally see she is that way, being that mean is not an act! To have no acting experience and play that good is not believeable no way no how not one bit. If so, then she should have been in movies and long time ago!

  7. Karee is a mean, pathetic woman. I hope she goes to jail, it will serve has a cage considering she is obviously an uncouth animal. I highly doubt she was “acting” it’s obviously just a convenient, shady excuse for her sourpuss attitude. Not to mention she asked her probation officer if she could even appear on the show!? What a joke! It’s not the shows fault she is the way she is! There are way to many women in this world just like her. They act like completely uneducated fools and then blame everyone else for how they act. Just like when she endangered that off duty cop and screamed that her “sister” was in “labor”. She is disgusting; she should be SO ashamed of herself.

  8. Great! Im glad that hateful biatch was arrested. They should lock her up—-she’s such a waist of space. I understand bridezilla, but she was just a disgusting PIG!! with a cheap a** wedding.

  9. Great! Im glad that hateful biatch was arrested. They should lock her up—-she’s such a waist of space. I understand bridezilla, but she was just a disgusting PIG!! with a cheap a** wedding.

  10. When I first saw Karee on the show…I was like OMG, this girl is tripping. I love the show but her episode was crazy. I was like, why is the husband letting her talk to his mother that way, why is he not putting his foot down. And then the comments about fat people eating at the reception….LMAO, I said to myself she’s crazy. I had a feeling she was going to be in a lot of trouble after the car tail chase on her way to the bakery…I felt it in my gut that she is in trouble and Lord and behold, she’s in the news. I wish her well and I believe she was acting for the cameras.

  11. This witch(b) was TERRIBLE. I don’t feel sorry for her mother-in-law or her now husband. He needs his ass beat because he allowed her to speak to his mother that way. He is NOT a man. And I don’t feel sorry for her having to go to jail, I say let her do the rest of her probation time BEHIND bars. Maybe that’ll teach her how to treat people.

  12. The fact she was on probation is of no surprise to me. She needs some serious help. The way she represented herself on the show should be a wake up call to herself as to how she treats others. The way she treated her mother-n-law was horrible and when I saw her push her into the snow with the shoe incident I could not believe it. Her husband should not have allowed that to happen. She was horrible to all those that tried to help her with her wedding. The girl who never sewed tried helping her and got screamed at when she didnt do it right. What a surprise. I think this was beyond acting. Karee you have issues and if you are truly sorry start with Heidi, your husband and your wedding party for what you did to them.

  13. Karee’s attitude is horrible. I think her Husband should have put more thought into marrying her. This is suppose to be for a lifetime commitment. Her behavior will not produce a happy, healthy, and loving environment for there Son. Karee treats her in-laws like crap, and even worst they except her rudeness. I’m willing to bet their marriage will not last….. not sure if she should go to jail or not. But she definitely needs therapy.

  14. It certainly looks real. A nobody!!! can’t fake it, she is an obnoxious abusive bitch…but they all are. I would be ashamed to produce such rubbish.
    This is really the most revolting show I have ever reviewed. This program promotes bad manners. These women are the ugliest, F A T, uneducated, low class BITCHES EVER! Why allow people abusing others.


  16. she was a very nasty woman I don’t feel sorry for her at all. I pray she get everything back in return. I wouldn’t treat a dog like she did humans. she should be ashame of herself. That young man that married her tolerated her mistreating is mother because he do it just didn’t show it on tv. My heart went out to the mother inlaw but she needs to get a back bone. She was the worse bridezilla I’ve seen. She sucks and she wasn’t pretty at all. Damn I could see if she had more going for herself she had NOTHING!!!

  17. I Like Bridezilla but this person is so mean it is hard for me to watch…and to see her so mean to her mother-in-law and her husband to be just watch it is a shame….

  18. Boo-Hoo! She is a hateful biatch. I wanted to jump through the screen and whup her F-ass myself. I hope they have cable in the jail that she serves her time. Maybe one of the women there will knock her into reality. Her husband was a punk for letting her talk and treat his mother that way. I felt sorry for her bridesmaid. This fool says she was acting? Yeah right. She is a manipulator. She manipulated cops on public tv after being a menace on the road. She should go to jail for that alone. How foolish was she? Didn’t she know the show would air. I don’t believe for one second that she is nothing like the character she “portrayed”. Good riddance, you f-a-t, sloppy b-Iatch!
    That is what I would say prior to watching the video. Now that I have watched it, I think her attoney looks like a p!mp and she is just fooling herself.

  19. Wow this biatch! Sayin shes been dreaming of a fairy tale weidding, shes fat like a pumpkin! i hope she goes to jail. fat f#%k!

  20. Horrible girl, That poor mother in-law having to put up with that nasty girl her son is marring. That was so an unflatterning.

  21. Everyone, we keep talking about Karee, but the REAL issue is: do you think Bridezillas is real or just acting? Sharon

  22. Let me see if I got this right. She was ALREADY on probation for “FIGHTING”. Accepted a role that did not flatter her at all, in more ways than one. She belittled the mother in-law to the point of tears (although she needed to demand her own respect) and berated anyone and everyone she possibly could just to get a free wedding televised?….KUDOS….Reap what you sowed and stop crying like a baby. You get what you deserve. And for the record, breaking the law is inexcusable no matter who told you to do it…Be accountable for your actions however they pan out. To top it off she’s a mother with a record…NICE JOB….Ahhhh the memories of that wonderful day Most people REALLY do dream about since they are young. If he’s smart (I doubt it) She will get another chance to do it all over again…THE RIGHT WAY.

  23. Karee was a trip! I didn’t know about tha whole “probation” situation!! Lol!! Wow! She REALLY isn’t cute and her dude is decent but tha fact that he’s a b!+¢# is a complete TURN OFF! She’s fat, rude, a lame azz excuse for a MOTHER, and NOT WIFEY MATERIAL!! I felt bad for the mother-in-law. But she was gettin wit Karee wit tha gloves!! LMAO!!

  24. oh my gosh! i have just finished watching the episode and i am in shock. I dont believe that Karee was acting at all because she has already in the past displayed agressive behaviour and currently has a parole officer. Out of all the episodes this is by far the worst and producers of the show should also be to blame, they should take responsibilty for encouraging and rewarding such bad behaviour. This episode should have never made it to air. In regards to some of the other comments i just want to say keep the swearing and name calling out of it,you can still make your point without sinking to Karee’s level!!!!!

  25. Omg……this show was crazy,Karee you were a mess…….and the wedding was so cheap. …..and why was she wearing that jacket everyday. ……then they spent the night at the motel and she wore the same clothes the next day…
    her man was a straight punk..
    and why would you want your man to put on a dress.

  26. She is guilty and I hope she burns in hell! If anyone spoke to my mother like that I would kick her out so fast her head would spin. To top it off, it seemed like they were living with the Mother…I’m not certain, but that seemed to be the case. I hope she watches this in 20 years and feels the shame she caused her family. Her child will be SO embarrassed when he watches that episode.

  27. I’ve watched this show from time to time, mostly so I am sure to appreciate my friends and family. Let’s face it – basically all of these “brides” are low class, trashy and abusive people. I don’t buy that they are just acting for the cameras. Karee was the worst I saw of a lot of terrible people featured on this show (including the other bride on the same episode), and she turned me off ever watching it again. There is no excuse for someone to act as she does, and her I assume now-husband was as bad as she was – here she broke a handmade gift his mother made (as she cried), and he was laughing about it. They both need to end up in jail or wherever – and, hopefully, they will get the karma they deserve, with people treating them the way they treat others. Wow.

  28. She did go to jail and she deseved it. How dare you disrespect so many people like that, but the biggest issue I have is with the husband. YOU ARE A STRAIGHT (maybe not cause you wore that dress on tv) PUSSY!!!!!!! You let that bitch disrespect your mother (who doesn’t have a backbone but still) and did NOTHING ABOUT IT BUT LAUGH!!!! The she told you that you were taking her last name. You did’nt agree, she TOLD YOU you were taking her name!!! You were with the almost the whole time looking like a Punk Ass Bitch!!! We see your mother is weak but you too? If any woman EVER talked to my mother like that, I would call (cause i don’t hit women) one of my female family members to beat her down, but then again, my mother would have done her best to do it first!!! I could see the show making her look like an ungratefull bitch, but these dudes on this show who do not stand up for themselves and put but these bitches in their place (which is to be respectful of those around you who are sacrficing their time & money to help you). Josaine or “Josie” you looked and acted like real PUSSY!!!!


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