Bridezilla Ballot – Yea or Nay?


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Thumbnail image for ballot box.jpgBridezilla’s mantra is “It’s my day.” But soon-to-be brides are letting their guests weigh in on the details with wedding planning websites and online polls. Is the Bridezilla mantra officially dead?

No way. Despite what a recent The Wall Street Journal post claims, Bridezilla is all about bridal polls. But only if she wields ultimate veto power. A poll is more convenient and less expensive than a pushy wedding planner. Plus, it keeps guests talking about the wedding. And think of all the money she’ll save on those costly fondant focus groups! Not to mention the chance her website could become famous, like Melissa and Eric Bakewells’, whose wedding planning website received more than 7,000 hits.

Bridezilla is the rockstar of the bridal world and never makes a decision without a committee. Is the chicken dance cheesy? Is buttercream frosting passe? Bridezilla needs her guests’ opinions to pull off the perfect wedding. And since her friends are a lot like her, polling them probably won’t result in a horrid honeymoon or tacky cake.

How do you feel about bridal polls and wedding planning websites? Cast your Bridezilla ballot and let us know!

Poll your Guests – Yea or Nay?
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