Bridezilla Beware: 7 Signs Your Fiance has Cold Feet


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cold feet.pngYou’re busy planning the biggest party of your life and couldn’t be happier. But what about him? He shakes at the sight of your engagement ring. He broke out in a heinous rash at the tux shop and it wasn’t allergy related. You practically had to arm-wrestle him to get him to address the invitations. Are these signs of cold feet or normal wedding jitters?
Bridezilla Disclaimer: Bridezilla isn’t a Dr. (although we certainly read enough Web Md.) These are merely symptoms of cold feet, not a strict diagnosis. And keep in mind that the quickest cure to cold feet is an honest conversation.

7 real signs of cold feet

1). He keeps postponing the wedding date. Or refuses to set one.
If you set a date, put a deposit down, and the groom-to-be suddenly prefers fall to summer (and then winter to fall), his feet likely feel the nip from the nuptial north wind.
2.) He clings to bachelorhood. Everyone is sentimental for their single days. But if you see him gently stroking a shot glass with tears in his eyes, something is up. The transition from a wild bachelorhood to contemplative cuddles on the couch can be difficult, but shouldn’t send him into convulsions. Look out if he’s spending way more nights at singles’ clubs and less date nights with you.
3.) He constantly references an ex. Being friends with an ex is acceptable, as long as she’s part of the scenery and you’re center stage. Constantly comparing her to you or making references to their long-ago love affair is not acceptable. Marriage jitters are normal. But you shouldn’t worry you’re marrying the wrong person.
4.) He’s not involved at all. Bridezillas are perfection-seeking, anal-retentive ladies that would rather perish than let someone else (including their grooms) plan their weddings. Regardless, your fiance should respond to your task delegation. If he blatantly refuses to address invitations, rent a tux, or go cake tasting, he may have cold feet. Or he may just be lazy.
6.) He has night terrors about marriage. The thought of a lifelong commitment is daunting, especially as the wedding day grows near. But if he’s popping Xanax to subdue his ever-growing anxiety and waking up in cold sweats because of nuptial nightmares, a heart-to-heart is in order.
7.) He can’t snip the apron strings It’s typical to be somewhat sad about “leaving the family,” but he should be ready to snip the apron strings. If he demands that his mom live in the marital abode or requests a daily visit home, he has an incurable case of frigid feet. And he’s a major momma’s boy!

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