Death of a Bridezilla: Farewell, Fabulous Moolah


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We have often thought if we weren’t professional bloggers, we would probably be boxers. A recently-passed Bridezilla who nearly lived our dream is famous woman wrestler Fabulous Moolah. is all about women who break the mold on their Big Day and beyond, so read on as we honor what makes the recently deceased Miss Moolah so Fabulous.
Bridezilla Behavior #1: Her name. Fabulous Moolah? Hello, how Bridezilla is that? This eponymous upgrade is especially imaginative in light of her dreary little birth name Mary Lillian Ellison. We always thought if forced to go undercover, we’d use the codename Lacy Python, but now we are starting to reconsider…
Bridezilla Behavior #2: Her love life. An early bloomer like many Bridezillas, Fabulous married for the first and only time at age 14 to 21 year old Walter Carroll. Worldly! Despite having a baby the same year, Fabulous coolly refused to the role of stay-at-home wife and mom to pursue a different kind of ring entirely.
Bridezilla Behavior #3: Her breakup. Some people listen to country music to get over a marital collapse. Fabulous upped the Bridezilla ante by rebounding with country star Hank Williams. A lady wrestler and a country music legend? We love it!
Bridezilla Behavior #4: Her career. Known for such signature moves as the SchoolGirl Rollup and Hairpull SnapMare (seriously, where was this woman when we were trying to negotiate our cake-cutting fees), Moolah held the coveted wrestling Women’s World Title for ten years. She was profiled in the 2004 Ruth Leitman documentary “Lipstick & Dynamite,” a history of women’s pro wrestling.
Read more about this Bridezilla icon on her site, or on our new obsession Modern Venus.

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