Via The Wedding Register comes this tale of a hydrangea-centered bait and switch starring an Upper East Side bride refusing to wilt in the face of florist crooks who can’t tell the difference between pastel pink and rust. Excuse us? Those Crayons aren’t even in the same section of the box.
After spending $28,000+ on flower arrangements for her ceremony, bride Elana Glatt was justifiably stunned to find the dark rust and green hydrangeas she’d requested for her centerpieces replaced by wilted hydrangeas in shades of pastel pink and green and stuffed into dusty vases. This time, florist Stamos Arakas chose the wrong Bridezilla to mess with – Glatt’s day job is as a high-powered Manhattan attorney. Hell hath no fury like a litigious Bridezilla scorned.
We’ve seen fellow wedding bloggers quibbling over Glatt’s demands of over $400,000 in restitution, but keep in mind that this was only after the florists repeatedly ignored Glatt’s request for a $4,000 refund. We say the emotional turmoil of pastels invading an otherwise fall-toned wedding is worth much more than that, and our hopes are with the beleaguered Bridezilla in her time of litigation. May she find her settlement more satisfying than her mismatched color scheme!