Photos of the Bridal Boudoir: Fierce or Too Far?


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Via, we have been informed of a brand new horror storming the Bridezilla nation. Known as “anticipation photo shoots” or the slightly more straightforward “bridal boudoir photography,” we think this tasteless sensation is a scandal waiting to happen for any girl that tries it.
Sure, it sounds nice in theory – a portfolio of elegant photographs for your future husband’s eyes only – but until Ellen von Unwerth starts shooting brides, it’s going to lack that necessary element of class that’s key to a bridezilla’s image maintenance. Bridezillas never go under the lens without assurance that every inch is picture-perfect, or it’ll be professionally Photoshopped until it appears to be. Until we find a photographer that meets our exacting standards, we’ll be keeping our gowns on, thank you! Plus, we have scrutinized many such photo shoots in our research and can assure you this is not your Annie Leibovitz break-out moment. Rather, the results are somewhere between Glamour Shots and Girls Gone Wild. Shudder! Plus, paying to have someone take pictures of you naked-ish? Seems a bit pathetic…
What do you think? Had a good boudoir photography experience you want to share? Want to express your horror at the very idea? Let us know here and in comments.

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Photo courtesy Cape Fear Wedding.

4 thoughts on “Photos of the Bridal Boudoir: Fierce or Too Far?”

  1. Von Unwerth lacks unique vision, though not to the extent of that photographer you linked up there. I want to think this could be classy done right (or edgy, done differently), but I’m just not sure how. If you want to impress the future husband, I’m sure the basic naked pics will do the job just fine.

  2. Trust me I am the ultimate bridezilla… I have found a boudoir photographer that any woman would love, picky or not… she is a great person, very easy going and really helped me get over my nerves. I LOVED the pics… I never like images of myself, but was truly surprised when I recieved the contact sheets from Isis. I am so thrilled with this experience and I would be happy with the pics for myself. My man loves them and I have them in a special album that Isis creates herself..
    oh yes… her website is:

  3. I did a boudoir photo session (Sensual Portraits) for my future, now husband and it was awesome (fierce as you put it). Instead of your basic, ho-hum card, I surprised him with a small book of portraits before I went down the aisle. Talk about the look on his face when he saw me in the wedding gown and knowing what I was wearing underneath, hmmm. My photographer was the absolute best and is very well known:, located in the Palm Beaches.


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