The Go-To Guide on How NOT to Do Wedding Invitations


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To all my new bridezillas who are shaking off the reverie of post holiday-engagement bliss and are ready to get down to business:
Step One – let the world know. Coming up soon, your wedding invitations are going out and, while it seems easy enough (lick, seal, stamp, send), who knew there was so much you could screw up?
I came across this 29-Part Guide to Royally Messing Up Your Wedding Invitations and it rocked my world. Well, rocked is a strong word, but it definitely opened my eyes to some boo-boos from my own wedding invitations.
#7: Combine alcohol and hand-addressing your wedding invitations. Whoops. You know a Bridezilla loves her Gin Fizzies.
At least I remembered to proofread!
Typo on a Wedding Invitation
Full of important Wedding Invitation Don’ts dipped in good advice with a hint of sarcasm, this a great go-to guide for a bridezilla with a hankering for all things traditional. For all those alterna-brides out there ready to make a stand against convention, you will at least know what rules you are breaking when you choose not to include directions with your invitations (tip #6). Bridezillas don’t do anything by accident.

2 thoughts on “The Go-To Guide on How NOT to Do Wedding Invitations”

  1. Thanks for this post! I am planning to have the invitations ordered for a wedding next week. I still have time to make some changes.


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