Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#2


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Bridezilla Must-Have #2. A Right Hand Ring. While it is true bridezillas do often marry billionaires because we are so unusually beautiful and exceptional, we are by no means gold diggers. On the contrary, bridezillas’ fierce fashion sense is matched only by our fierce independence. Hence our number two pick for bridezilla booty, the right hand ring! Right hand rings are a raging hot trend right now, and we adore it. Self-love is a founding bridezilla principal, so why not show your inner admiration with some bright bling you bought yourself?
We like this ring because it is classic and regal, much like Bridezilla herself!
Want to charge this item to your fiance’s credit card? Click here.

1 thought on “Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#2”

  1. I love it! Not only the concept of the right hand ring but the design. Classy, attractive and yet functional at the same time. Being right handed means large protruding stones get in the way, but Bridezilla has found the perfect right hand ring design!


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