Triathlons by Tiffany: Bridezilla on Fierce Finishers Jewelry


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Bridezillas should never be mistaken for trophy wives, and we’re really not much for medals either. But factor in the new women-friendly “finishers jewelry” at the end of some of the biggest ladies’ races, and even Bridezilla is considering breaking a sweat. After all, what better way to get a wedding-day workout and score a gorgeous bauble in the process?

Here’s the scoop from yesterday’s New York Times article, “Though Nike was among the first organizers of women’s athletic events to award jewelry to participants and age-group winners instead of medals or plaques, the idea is catching on. This year, the 1,600 women who finished the Mother’s Day Title 9K in Boulder, Colo., got a star-emblazoned sterling silver charm on a leather cord. The three top age-group finishers at all 10 Iron Girl races won cuff bracelets. And for the first time, the 800 women running the Hippie Chick half- and quarter-marathons in Oregon next May will receive a flower-stamped sterling silver pendant.”

Indeed, Bridezillas are big fans of bling, but the difference between Bridezillas and their trophy wife counterparts is that we believe in earning your own ornamentation through initiative, discipline, and self-advancement. We think the new NIKE movement marries these objectives nicely. Time to trade the Choos for some Pumas? Just maybe!

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