If money were no object…what wedding splurge would you choose?


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We’ve all seen enough “Platinum Weddings” to know that money doesn’t always buy you bridezilla taste. How many times have you watched that garish show, grumbling to yourself “If I had that much money, I’d know exactly what to do for my wedding.” So it’s Friday, which means it’s time for a little workday escapism.

Let your imagination wander and tell us….if money were no object, what’s the number one wedding splurge on your list? A skyscraper solitaire? A posh honeymoon in Positano? Tell us in the comments below, and don’t spare one dreamy jewel-dripped detail!

7 thoughts on “If money were no object…what wedding splurge would you choose?”

  1. If I were to do the wedding all over, and had no limit of money, I would spend it all on….making it a weekend affair. All my guests spending a 3-day weekend in adult cabins like we were back in summer camp. A weekend of BBQs, swimming, games, hiking, etc. All with my nearest and dearest. My friend’s did this for their wedding, it was so much fun, I want to do it for my 10-year anniversary!

  2. Hummmmm I’d splurge on the location…. I don’t know what my absolute DREAM one would be… but it would be fantastic ! I’d also pay for lodging and plane tickets for everyone.

  3. If I could have a wedding any way I wanted I would have an old fashion traditional church wedding. I would place all my guest in the best suites money could buy. I would then give them all gift baskets. It would be a weekend event. I can go on and on and on.

  4. I enjoyed my wedding so much that I can’t imagine changing it very much. I loved my gown, the site, the food, the honeymoon, the music, the officient, the flowers (which I did very simply myself)…I think being broke made me really consider every aspect more carefully and gave me a wedding I’m still delighted with fifteen years later.
    But if I’d been offered a huge wad of cash at the time, Mr. Twistie and I would probably have headed to London for our honeymoon instead of Vancouver…but we had such a great time in Canada that I’m kind of glad we didn’t get our dream honeymoon.
    And we did get to London later. I was amazing. I want to go back.


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