Bridezilla Calls's Flower Finder "Horticouture!"


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wedding flowers _ parrot tulips.jpgA girl could never have enough diamonds or flowers. Or could she? Bridezilla has her pick of wedding flowers – hydrangeas, gardenias, calla lilies – not to mention all those rare tropical flowers with tongue-twisting names. But with all these flowers to choose from, it’s tough to narrow it down. If you’re floret-illiterate, picking out bouquet blossoms can be the most daunting task on the wedding horizon.

Once a bride finally finds perfect petals for her bouquet — flowers that portray her impeccable taste, delightful personality and trendy color palette, the florist inevitably says, “it’s out of season.” Hmpf.

wedding flowers_gloriosa lillies.jpgBefore you give up and default to white roses (incredibly original) or pay for an overseas shipment, try’s new wedding flower finder. Far from your garden variety widget, this sophisticated gizmo lets you pick your color, style, and price range. We picked red, glamorous, and expensive – all things bridezilla loves.

The flower finder came up with nine blossoms and included a well-researched description and pretty photo of each. Hellebores (love the name), parrot tulips, and gloriosa lilies made our top three picks and visions of beautiful bouquets danced in our heads. No roses or carnations anywhere; now that’s what we call “horticouture!”

1 thought on “Bridezilla Calls's Flower Finder "Horticouture!"”

  1. Thanks for this post — I tried this tool and it’s fun, though several times it produced “no flowers matched.” There’s nothing like sitting down face to face with a good florist.


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