You know all the family stories about your Great Uncle Matthew the rum runner and Great Grandma Betty the suffragette turned flapper (a new Bridezilla born every minute), but who’s lurking in the new husband’s family tree? With this newlywed activity you can discover all your new hubby’s sordid family secrets and come out with a fabulous new decoration for the wall.
Although on principle Bridezilla loathes all crafting (we leave all that to our similarly-surnamed buddy Craftzilla), we’ve been romanced by Red Envelope’s Couple’s Genealogy Tree. Bribe the mister with rum punch and promises that you can put this up on the wall instead of the Chagall you were gunning for at the next Christie’s auction and he’ll be glad to buckle down in front of the fire for an evening of storytelling and hand-crafting. If he takes more convincing, just pledge that you’ll fill his side of the family tree with barons, counts, and vagrants, and rename every one of his brothers Anastasia – he’ll come around.