A Perfect Wedding Day Body-No Gym Necessary?


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Lately Bridezilla has heard a number of physically stunning celebrities, such as Jessica Alba and Posh Spice, express anti-Stairmaster sentiments, and Bridezilla wants to know, are we missing something? Posh went on record saying, “Maybe it’s the whole getting sweaty thing, but it’s just not me,” and Alba claims not to have set foot in a gym in two months, favoring yoga and water as her workout of choice. Normally Bridezilla would just ignore such an anti-gym trend as the Atkins diet of its time, but considering Jessica Alba and Posh Spice have two of the unequivocally best bodies in the business and are never seen about town red-faced in trainers, a Bridezilla’s got to wonder: is exercise, like, optional now? Could it be that we as women have evolved past exertion, and as usual A-listers are just the first to know? Or is that too much to hope?
When you think about it, not neccesarily. Considering the whole elective cesarean epiphany of last year, perhaps women are finding out (celebrity-first, natch) that not only are we too posh to push, we’re too posh to perspire in general.
In fact, a brief look at recent history shows that many forms of exercise are already becoming extinct. Bridezilla herself long ago noticed the whiff of Olivia Newton-John tainting traditional aerobics classes, and subsequently opposes both ankle weights and the air guitar with as a matter of principle. Nor will you see us bobbing around in spannies during one of those hopelessly nineties boxing-with-big-bald-instructors affairs.
That said, we’re certainly regulars at Bridal Bootcamps because naturally we want to earn our couture and make Monique Lhullier just a little misty at the perfection of our Big-Day bodies. But now we are wondering if such weight room time is just, um, dumb?
Maybe, instead of huffing and puffing on the treadmill like a headband-clad hamster, we could opt for the Posh Spice Workout. Try this on for size: Candlelight Stretch classes accompanied by a live string quartet at the LA Sports Club. Sound a lot better than sweating under the floursecent lights at your local GymsRUs while listening to Fiest on your Ipod? Maybe so, but couple this luxe weight-loss routine with the Posh Diet: strawberries, edemame, and lettuce. Yup, that’s it.
We want to know, which plan appeals more to the modern Bridezilla? Traditional gym workouts and three meals a day or the celebrity route of yoga, Pilates (Posh called it “more civilized”) and strict eating? There’s something to be said for not wanting to be caught covered in sweat while scarfing down potato chips when the impossibly chic Alba or Posh walks by munching a snow pea, but on the other hand, does looking perennially polished make up for an all-asparagus lifestyle? Maybe Bridal Bootcamp and a Big Mac or two are where it’s at….
Bridezilla wants to know: What are you doing to be Vera Wang worthy on your Wedding Day? Weigh in on your preferred wedding weight-loss regime below!
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1 thought on “A Perfect Wedding Day Body-No Gym Necessary?”

  1. I think it completely depends on the person – some ladies love running and the gym (I think it’s torture!).
    I did twenty minutes every morning of either yoga, (free podcast at home) or jumping on my mini trampoline.
    I ate really well – lots of raw food and plenty of water. I still ate the occasional bad thing but I kept myself really full, and if I ate out, I had a big salad first and then a small portion of whatever. I cut back on cheese, bread and alcohol for the bloating.
    Lost two dress sizes for my big day (thank god, because I bought a dress two sizes too small!) Pics here: http://www.rawbrides.com/before-and-after.html


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