Sing Your Way To $10,000


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We can’t help it: we just like winning. And the Movin 92.5 Bridal Idol contest is offering up a prize we like: a $10,000 wedding package including a wedding dress, jewelry, beauty treatment, limousine, catering, and a honeymoon in Mexico. All you have to do is record yourself singing karaoke to one of their listed songs, and since all Bridezillas are naturally multi-talented, we expect to see some of our best and brightest holding it down with a decent cover of SexyBack.
Sure, $10,000 might be low-balling it a bit, but just imagine how many pairs of shoes you can buy with the money you’ll save! Jimmy Choo, here we come. Right after the bar, anyway, where we’ll psych ourselves up with prickly pear margaritas before getting out the microphone. Kelly Clarkson, watch your back!

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