An Even Easier Way To Make People Give You Presents You Want


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Busy Bridezillas might not have all the time in the world they’d like to handle extra life tasks like getting the oil changed or running to the store for groceries, but how about those are us who are so busy we have to check on our PDAs in the back of taxis on our way to the next meeting? If you want to devote all the time in the world to your nuptials but your schedule demands a wedding more shotgun than social event of the season, do what you can to cut down on your time spent with this uber-helpful discovery brought to you by Macy’s and The Knot: the genius time-saving Lifestyle Registry.

What is the Lifestyle Registry? It’s simple: rather than spending hours trawling sites to figure out what you want to register for, you can click on one of the six handy profiles (we picked the Jet-Setters) and instantly get a ton of suggestions as to what would benefit your married life most. If you’re not sure which profile fits you best, take the Who Are You? quiz and pin down your wants and needs exactly. It’s not an ironclad list of options – we suggest skipping out on their luggage suggestions and investing in Vuitton – but if you’re crunched for time and finding your domestic goddess skills a bit rusty (how many pots and pans does a household need, really?), you’ll likely find this site an invaluable help. If not, well, there’s always Tiffany’s

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