Bridezilla Bites: Stiletto Assault, Bridezilla Bethenny and More


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It’s Monday and time for up-to-the-moment morsels from bridezillaland. Find out what’s going on in the wedding world.

Sharon Hancox and the Stiletto Assault

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Bridezillas like Sharon Hancox give sophisticated, stilettos-aren’t-for-beating bridezillas like us a bad name. At her gay civil ceremony in Wales, she reportedly drank eight pints of lager and champagne (bad bridezilla behavior #1). She flashed a doorman because he let in an unwanted guest (bbb #2). Her stiletto-wielding partner then lunged at the doorman and beat him with the heel. (bbb #3). Read the full story here.

Bridezilla Trashes Dress Shop

Check out this video of an angry bridezilla and her entourage trashing a dress shop. What’s the reason behind this ridiculous rampage? The shop owners refused to alter her dress.

Bridezilla Bethenny

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For dessert, let’s dish on a sane, chic bridezilla: Bethenny Frankel. If you haven’t watched New York Housewives, it’s about time you Tivo it. Bethenny, the Big Apple Housewife with the big mouth is expecting in June and about to wed Jason Hoppy. She admits to having bridezilla moments in this article:

“I find that just looking at dresses, I have Bridezilla moments,” she says. “You feel like an 8-year-old, trying on things and getting stuck in a dress, and I’m like, ‘Get me the hell out of here!'”

We love Bethenny Frankel’s style, skinny girl cocktails, and attitude. Her wedding is this Sunday and we can’t wait for the details. Vote on your favorite Real Housewives star below!

Who’s the Hottest NYC Housewifeopinion

1 thought on “Bridezilla Bites: Stiletto Assault, Bridezilla Bethenny and More”

  1. my best friend is getting married, with a little complications.seeing the possibility of him and his future wife applying for the show. two peoplr with professional careers!


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