Bridezilla Climbs the Space Needle – Not Really


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Calling all local ladies! Up here in Bridezilla’s Seattle headquarters, it’s cloudy with a chance of June weddings, and we want our fellow Seattleite bridezillas to be as well-suited as the competition. Imagine how pleased we were to wake up to today’s DailyCandy Seattle feature: Slippery When Wed, a sweet guide to all local lovelies that can help you put together a show-stopping wedding whether your wedding vision is organic earth-friendly green or just dependant on piles of dead president green.

Sure, they’re a little judgmental toward our bridezilla selves (“Crazy-talking?” We say one lady’s madness is another lady’s focus), but their tips are worth a listen for Pacific Northwest brides. From cupcakes to couture, they’ve got this corner covered. Still missing the perfect bouquet? Get thee to Market – Pike Place, that is.

We love DailyCandy, because they give us our morning fix of neighborhood goodness. What sites do you love for tips like this?

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