Bridezilla Reviews: A Thousand Days In Venice, by Marlena De Blasi


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We love a good escapist romance, at least outside of the fainting women and swashbuckling men bodice-ripper genre. There’s nothing quite as escapist and romantic as a tale of falling in love with a Venetian stranger and flying to Italy to become his bride, as in A Thousand Days in Venice, by Marlena De Blasi, a true story of a woman who does just that. A delicious read for any time of year, this one works especially well during the cold winters when you’d like to curl up in front of a fire in a palazzo of your own. The luscious-sounding recipes even got us interested in cooking for a hot minute – luckily, that urge passed, and we just set to Citysearching for the nearest Italian restaurant. And if you think your own wedding planning has been trying, revel in the madcap adventures as Marlena navigates the vast and mysterious world of Venetian marriages, from underage seamstresses to bishops insistent that a Catholic wedding will take months. As the Italians insist, of course, the struggle only makes it sweeter. Read this one when you need to get away from it all, and when you’re finished, start leaving this page up on your fiance’s computer whenever he leaves the room.
Read It, Love It: A Thousand Days in Venice, by Marlena De Blasi

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