Calling All Bridezillas! ABC News Wants Your Wedding Stress Story!


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Good afternoon Bridal Beauties! We have some big news here at BZ HQ! At last, Bridezillas are being offered the chance to air their wedding woes-on a little news outlet we like to call ABC News! This is a big chance for Bridezillas to dispel their negative reputations on a national level by speaking out about all the stress that goes into wedding planning. The feature on wedding stress is part of ABC’s new health and wellness section, and the editor has personally promised Miss B that Bridezillas will not be unfairly portrayed or the victims of any WE-style expose. So, if you are one of the many Bridezillas who contact us every day trying to get on the show, now is your chance for the fame and attention you crave! Just send an email with your name and contact info to [email protected], and we will send to ABC just for you! This offer expires tomorrow, so act now or forever stew solo. It’s the least we can do for the network that brings us news, ringtones,and, more importantly, Desperate Housewives.

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