Today Luxist reported the news that Vera Wang’s first lifestyle boutique is set to close after only two years in business. Hawaiian Bridezillas, where you at? Word is that our dearest Vera might be saturating the market, decreasing her brand power by disseminating her design skills everywhere from jewelry to china to stationery to fragrance to Kohl’s, for crying out loud. While we like many of these things individually, taken together we begin to wonder just when the woman sleeps, let alone finds time to choose the perfect china pattern for our kitchen hutch. We’re just looking out for you, Vera – maybe take a bit of a break so you don’t go all unwearable MJ with your next collection?
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The stuff at Kohl’s was insulting…fit poorly, poor quality, a rip off. If Vera wants to design for “the masses” then design FOR them…not assuming that they have poor taste and poor judgement of clothing.