Chasing Harry Winston: The Watered-Down Cosmopolitan of Chick Lit


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book.JPGTouted by the publisher marketing department as “Sex and the City-eque”, it turns out that is a very accurate description of Chasing Harry Winston, Lauren Weisberger’s newest offering to the literary world and follow up novel to her major best seller The Devil Wears Prada. As someone who devoured The Devil Wears Prada the first time and then went back for second and third helpings over the years, you could definitely say I am a fan of Ms. Weisberger’s work.
Unfortunately Chasing Harry Winston hits a little too close to Sex and the City (SATC) for this reader. The three main characters can be drawn directly to the cast of SATC, minus Carrie Bradshaw (and who wants a SATC that’s minus Carrie Bradshaw?) The result is a pretty formulaic and predictable story line. There were bright spots of banter, bonding and some downright sensible advice for the capturing and releasing of menzzzz, but overall this novel falls right into the marketing department’s promotional “Beach Read of 2008” to be forgotten about come September.
Overall the novel is a fast read, designer names sprinkled in here and there to give it that glamorous feel and while I do heart SATC, seeing a diluted version of it print is like drinking a watered-down cosmopolitan. However, it delivers what it promises, young Manhattanites trying to make the most of who they are and what they have to give, leaning on each other for support and learning to be happy for one another. Bonus points for a cover that couldn’t be more Bridezilla if it tried!

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