Contest Reminder: Submit your Best Bridezilla Story and Win $500


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Here at Bridezilla, we like to amuse ourselves by putting a dollar in a champagne bucket every time someone says something nasty about us in the press or on our site. We now have $500. We were going to spend it on alcoholic units for our work “motivation” fund, but then we decided the only thing we love more than alcoholic units is more attention and fame for ourselves!
So, we took the money and invested in a fabulous prize for the very best “Submit Your Bridezilla Story” contest entry. The winner of the most blood-boiling, fiercely tragic or wickedly funny Bridezilla story that best showcases Miss B in all her illustrious glory will win a $500 gift certificate from Weddingstand, retailer of exquisite wedding favors, bridesmaids’ gifts, bachelorette party wear and more. We will also feature the winner in a prominent post on our site (virtual streamers and champagne sprays will abound).
We at Bridezilla have long believed that blogging well is the best revenge, and now it can get you the best bridesmaid gifts and wedding accoutrements as well! The winner will be announced July 22th! Submit your stories to [email protected] for a chance to win glory and disgustingly good prizes.

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