Don't Miss this Bridezilla Wig Out


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Every bride wants a chic coif on her wedding day and will go to great lengths to get it. Watch this clip of a real-life bridezilla’s wig out. It’s hairrendous!

Sure, her dramatic and possibly psychotic scissoring seems extreme. Until you think about your own bowl haircut picture, circa 1988. The one your fiance has never seen and will never see because it’s buried deep in your embarrassing photo graveyard.
This bride was about to have a million of those haunting her for the rest of her life. And she’s of age, so there’s no “my parents did it,” excuse. Comment below with your own hair horror stories!

Do you think scissors were in order?(polls)

2 thoughts on “Don't Miss this Bridezilla Wig Out”

  1. Haha…I’m MOH next month to someone who, with the way she’s acting and not listening to anybody, is probably going to freak out nearly as bad. The worst part is, I’m so sick of her attitude that I don’t care, if she messes up her hair, she can’t say I didn’t try warning her.
    And yes, I know weddings are stressful, I just had my own 1 1/2 months ago…I was complimented by how easy and calm I was. A wedding doesn’t have to turn you into a freaking-out-over-the-tiniest-detail person who’s cruel to everyone around you!


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