Featured Product: Bridezilla Latte Stein


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lattemug.jpgHee hee, how we love the word “stein”, so burly and German! It is a proven fact that Bridezillas feel bold and motivated as long as they are brandishing this fashionable beverage holder throughout their busy day!
In truth, the Bridezilla’s life is an absolute ocean of multi-tasking-wedding planning, work, wedding planning at work- and our brand-new Bridezilla stein is the best partner in crime a girl could ask for!
Just fill with a foamy morning latte to keep fresh and alert through your wedding dress fitting, and by the time dinner with the MIL-zilla rolls around, well, they don’t call it a stein for nothin’.
In short, administering your anti-psychotics has never been so effortless! Click here to procure your very own Bridezilla stein, for all your drinking enjoyment.

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