Wedding cupcakes have been around for a while now, but some of the world’s most esteemed cake makers are finally catching on to the fact that not all of us want confections resembling our fifth grade fairy tea party. Check out our gallery of grown-up cupcakes-and the wedding occasion we recommend them for!
These cuties are perfect for a co-ed bachelorette party!
Two more after the jump!

Just enough pink for a bridal shower, while the pansies keep it from getting too precious.

Wedding cake versus cupcakes? Bridezilla says “why choose?” This tiered chocolate cake with mini ganached cupcakes and satin ribbon bows is perfect for a chic wedding dessert.
All these thoroughly modern morsels were made by Carolyn Mackenzie.. Just don’t scroll too far into the cake gallery or the fairies of your youth will come back to haunt you.