The Simpsons' Marge Named Bridezilla


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Who knew sweet, blue-haired Marge would be considered for the Bridezilla Hall of Fame? In the Simpson’s newest episode, “Wedding Disaster,” Homer calls Marge a bridezilla as she breaks out in lizard-like scales, a bad reaction to wedding stress.
The bridezilla name and Hall of Fame should only be reserved for true bridezillas: Women who want the perfect wedding at any cost. Marge just doesn’t seem the type. She wears her hair like a British beefeater hat and dons a lettuce-green dress from Sears (ok, we’re not totally sure it’s from Sears).
Watch “The Simpsons” episode “Wedding Disaster,” and tell us if you think Marge should be added to our Bridezilla Hall of Fame.

Should Marge Make the Bridezilla Hall of Fame?(polls)

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