Wedding Planning & Tips

Wedding planning tips for the grand marquee of matrimony. Sparkle like diamonds in a love-struck sky! Here, we spill the secrets to navigating the nuptial seas with flair and finesse. From crafting the most captivating vows to selecting a venue that whispers romance at every turn, we’ve got the golden nuggets of wisdom that will elevate your big day to the heights of fabulousness. So, take my hand, and let’s twirl through the tips that make tying the knot a piece of (wedding) cake!

Top 10 Engagment Facts and Trends Infographic

Infographic: Top 10 Engagement Facts and Trends


Did you know that the average cost of an engagement ring in 2011 was $5,130? Find that and more engagement ...

Celebrity Bridal Bouquets You Can Create

Celebrity Style on a Budget: Famous Bouquets You Can Recreate


Sometimes every detail of a celebrity wedding seems like an elaborate fantasy that you could never attain. But a lot ...

Rialto Theater by Ross Griff

5 Historical Theaters You MUST See in the Puget Sound


I didn’t grow up dreaming about the big, perfect wedding I’d have one day. I never imagined myself in a ...

Smiling bride

5 Tips For the Perfect Wedding Day Smile


A good smile is a necessity on your wedding day.  After all, you’ll be taking pictures that will remain in ...

Questlove Instagram Photos of David Cross and Amber Tamblyn Wedding

Social Media Weddings: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Whether you love or loathe Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the other social media channels that are springing up, there ...

Moving Boxes

Guest Post: Mine vs. Yours – How to Combine Your Stuff Without Killing Each Other


It should be incredibly exciting to make a home together with your new husband. All those glittering new gifts to ...

nonplussed bridesmaid

Guest Post: Always a Bridesmaid Never a Bride


How To Handle It When All Your Friends Are Getting Married. If you’re single, you might experience conflicting emotions when ...

Wedding by AfroDad

Guest Post: 6 Month Guide to Planning Your Wedding


Some of us dream about (and plan for) our weddings from the moment we’re told our first fairy tales. Others ...

Is "Dry Wedding" an Oxymoron?


Invitations and Expectations When I RSVP “yes” to a wedding, I feel that I am entering into a social contract ...

Wedding ceremony chairs

6 Things Not to Do at a Wedding


No matter how many articles are written on wedding etiquette, there will always be the drunk uncle.  He’s a lost ...