Monday Bridezilla Bites: It's Spring!


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It’s Monday and spring has finally burst onto the scene in bridezilla land. Here, bridezilla bites al fresco and a Monday poll to cure your spring fever.
Grab the spring 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Weddings on newsstands today! We love Martha Stewart (pre and post scandal) and look forward to this issue every year. This mag is an eye candy jar, filled with wedding fashion spreads, glowing beauty tips, and travel recommendations.
In other news, the 2010 Jean M Bride Search is On. If you’re wedding is in 2010, enter for a chance to win. You could win $4,000 in Jean M wedding invitations and accessories, not to mention a spotlight on Lifetime’s new show “Get Married.”

Bridezilla wants to know
. Like the song says, “If you like it then you should have put a ring on it.” Bridezillas everywhere are buying their guys mangagement rings (also known as commitment rings), to take their guys off the market. Read this recent article and tell us if you think mangagement rings are desperate or empowering.
If you like HIM you should put a ring on him
( polls)

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