The Bridezilla Generation: Blame the Music Baby


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Naturally there are many theories revolving around Bridezilla and her mythical and amazing origins. Some cite hormones, bad father relationships and too many fashion magazine subscriptions as the reason women become bridezillas. Us? We blame these chicks.
Stand-out Bridezilla lyrics,

And every time I scratch my nails down someone else’s back I hope you feel it.”

courtney-love.jpg COURTNEY LOVE
Stand-out Bridezilla lyrics:

I want to be the girl with the most cake. He only love his things because he loves to see them break.”

With music like that, we’d love to see Court’s wedding cake!
Fiona_Apple2.jpg FIONA APPLE

Stand-out Bridezilla lyrics:

But, oh, its so evil, my love,The way you’ve no reverence to my concern.So, Ill be sure to stay wary of you, love, To save the pain of once my flame and twice my burn.

Naturally, we as Bridezillas know that when Apple speaks of “no reverence for my concern” she was clearly referring to a groom’s inability to commit to her preferred china pattern.
Rock Goddesses, it is all your fault that ever since we bought your cds, we have never been able to settle for a sub-par relationship or stifle a strong opinion.Without your music, we truly believe this generation of bona fide bridezillas may never have been born and we could have been sweet-subservient seamstress brides. Thanks a lot!
Joking aside, the mid-90’s ushered in the most bombastic blast of Bridezilla music ever, before or since. This was the age of strong angry woman music, a far, far cry from the hip-shaking, cotton candy man-pleasing music of Britney Spears and Ashanti that is prevalent today. So, in honor of these music- making ladies who raised our Bridezilla consciousness and made us all want to rush out and rhinestone our bra straps, we are proud to present a very special Bridezilla playist, commemorating this awesome era of grrl rock. Stay tuned!

While it is obviously a unique cocktail of chromosomes and circumstance that create the creature of mystery and beauty that is Bridezilla, there is one common strain we have found in all bona fide Bridezillas: music.
To figure this out, Bridezilla deftly adapted her brilliant mathematician guise to do a little calculating. The stats she unearthed are truly stunning. Here’s what she found.
Fact #1:The term “Bridezilla” had been lurking in the lexicon for a few years, but it really found its zenith in 2005 when the Women’s Entertainment show “Bridezillas”” came out that Bridezillas, scarce before, seemed to come out of the woodwork in droves. Why this year, you ask? What makes THIS the Bridezilla Generation? Bear with us as we explain the answer.
Fact#2: We know from research that the average age of an engaged woman, aka Bridezillas, is now 27.
Fact #3: So, since Bridezilla was 27 in 2005, that means she was approximately 17 and in her boy crazy, MTV watching heyday when Alanis Morrisette’s earth shattering “Jagged Little Pill” cd dropped in 1995. Coincidence? We think not.
And it wasn’t just the radiant and raging 19- year- old Canadian who musically infused us with independent woman syndrome we haven’t been able to shake since the second “You Oughta Know” first flooded our basement tv screens. Just one year earlier, in 1994 there was Courtney Love blazing onto the scene as a dead beauty queen in Hole’s “Live Through This” album. And who could forget the scrawny, sexy and defiant Fiona Apple wailing on her 1996 debut album “Tidal”? Bridezilla never has, that’s for sure. Thanks to these bold beauties, Bridezilla at least has a soundtrack to listen to as she marches off the beaten aisle. Have a listen!

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